Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mabwe Minerals, Inc. (MBMI) Gears Up for Production

Mabwe Minerals, a natural resources and hard asset company based in the United States, is focused on the mining, logistics, and commercial sales of industrial minerals and metals. The company’s first mineral production focus is on barite.

Mabwe Minerals conducts its operations through its Zimbabwe parent/holding affiliate, Mabwe Corporation Limited, which includes wholly owned subsidiary Mabwe Minerals Zimbabwe Limited and the minority owned WGB Kinsey & Company. Ninety-million shares, or around 66%, of Mabwe Minerals’ outstanding shares of common stock are owned by Raptor Resources Holdings.

Mabwe Minerals owns 100% of the Dodge Mine in Shamva, Zimbabwe, which hosts barite, limestone, and talc, with widespread gossan deposits indicating the potential presence of copper, zinc, nickel, and gold. Located on the southern edge of the Shamva Greenstone Belt, Dodge Mine is composed of Precambrian metamorphosed sediments of the Grahamsdale Formation. Dodge Mine is a hydrothermal mountain range that implies high quality deposits of minerals and metals.

The company has secured a long-term master supplier agreement (MSA) with Baker Hughes, Inc. that represents 3,000,000 metric tons of barite. Calculated at an average 2012 price of $150/ton, this agreement represents $450 million.

Through an equity investment, Mabwe Minerals currently owns 25% of WGB Kinsey & Company, one of the most experienced mining and construction companies in Zimbabwe. WGB Kinsey & Company will be responsible for all operations at Dodge Mine. With both open pit and open cast mining experience ranging from chrome to platinum to gold, WGB Kinsey & Company possesses all the necessary equipment and management expertise to manage Dodge Mine.

In August 2013, Mabwe Minerals entered into strategic alliances with both Steinbock Minerals Ltd. and Yasheya Ltd. The Switzerland-based Steinbock Minerals will serve as the company’s distributor and sales arm, while globally recognized leader Yasheya will serve as the company’s shipping and delivery arm. Through these alliances, Mabwe Minerals’ distribution, sales, shipment and delivery network has been successfully established.

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