Monday, September 16, 2013

Solar Wind Energy, Inc. (SWET) Exemplifies Foundational Advantage of Renewable Energy

The use of renewable energy sources versus fossil fuels has been one of the most debated subjects in commercial history, with serious and valid points made on both sides. Moreover, it’s not a contest with a simple either-or solution, since there are endless potential sourcing combinations available to fill in the nation’s and the world’s changing energy picture. However, there is one underlying factor in the discussion that seldom gets the attention it deserves. Amidst the talk of costs, global warming, subsidies, and national security, what is often missing is the appreciation of a long-established principle of commerce and technology. The principle states that, in short, the older the industry, the slower its technological progress tends to be. Exceptions though there may be, it’s seen as an increasingly well-established truism, with roots going back to the beginning of the industrial age.

As a result, it can be argued that renewable energy has a unique and foundational advantage over the use of fossil fuels, namely that it is advancing faster and in far more ways than the more mature fossil fuel industry, in spite of much vaunted shale oil developments, and that it will continue to do so. The numbers bear this out, with costs of energy production from a growing range of renewable energy sources continuing to fall dramatically. Costs for solar and wind power, for example, are estimated to have dropped well over 90% since 1980. In addition, new renewable technologies are being developed that some say will change the renewables landscape even more dramatically.

One of these emerging renewable energy technologies is being actively developed by Solar Wind Energy, a Maryland based company that has come up with a way to potentially generate large amounts of green electricity without the weaknesses inherent in wind and solar power. It’s a remarkable approach that directly and efficiently captures solar heat energy to actually create wind, which can then be used to generate electricity any time of the day or night, meaning electricity whenever it is needed, not just when conditions are right.

For information on Solar Wind Energy visit

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