Friday, September 27, 2013

Boston Therapeutics, Inc. (BTHE) CEO Has Bitter Taste for Sugar – Leads Blockbuster Solution for Diabetes

The majority of health advocates have long decried refined sugar as having a worthy spot anywhere in the human diet. And our nation’s medical record backs up this sentiment. Obesity runs rampant in adults and children of all ages, and there are more than 25.8 million people in the United States with Type 2 diabetes.

While refined sugar is by no means the only culprit in obesity, it does play a primary role in diabetes, and to Boston Therapeutics founder and CEO David Platt, the sweets are a flat-out evil to the human body.

“It’s very simple. Sugar kills. End of story,” Platt said in a recent interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader.

Refined sugar is made of simple carbohydrates that have been stripped of all nutritional elements. You may not frequent your hand in the cookie jar, but the average American diet is full of carbohydrates and sugars hidden in breads, sauces, seasonings, and juices.

When carbohydrates enter your body’s digestive system they are converted to glycogen and are either used immediately for energy or are stockpiled in the muscles and liver to be used for energy at a later time. Simple carbohydrates, those that comprise refined sugar, raise blood sugar at a faster and higher rate than healthy complex-carbohydrate foods.

Consumption of these sugars has led to alarmingly high diabetes rates in both adults and children. Manchester, NH-based Boston Therapeutics is determined to do something about this.

The innovative pharmaceutical company is working to develop and commercialize complex carbohydrate compounds for people with diabetes to help people moderate their blood glucose levels after carbohydrate-rich meals.

Boston Therapeutics solution is a chewable, locally acting complex carbohydrate-based compound, PAZ320, which has been clinically shown in early studies to slash post-meal glucose elevation by nearly 50 percent.

The company has developed a proprietary polysaccharide, known as a carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzyme inhibitor (CHEI), to be taken before meals. This molecule works in the gastrointestinal tract to block the enzymes that aid in the digestion of sugar in the intestine.

In a phase II study of PAZ320 last year, results showed that 45 percent of patients responded to PAZ320 with a 40 percent reduction of post-meal glucose in the blood.

PAZ320 will soon be studied in upcoming phase II and phase III clinical trials with about 300 patients. Based on the positive results from the previous study on patients with Type 2 diabetes, Boston Therapeutics is optimistic itPAZ320 will achieve significant results in the next round of testing.

“We believe that what we have in our hands is an absolute blockbuster,” Platt told the Union Leader. “It could take time for people to understand the magnitude of the data that we have … Medicine is very conservative, and the clinical data will talk for themselves.”

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