Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Micro Identification Technologies, Inc. (MMTC.OB) Invention to Take Industry by Storm

Micro Identification Technologies Inc. offers something that is entirely unique in the medical world: the only general non-biological system for identifying pathogenic microbes. They invented it, perfected it, patented it, and now sell it as the MIT 1000. However, the fact that their product is one-of-a-kind is not its most important quality. The most important aspect of the MIT 1000 is what it can do, specifically its remarkable ability to identify various species of pathogenic bacteria in a tiny fraction of the time required by all other traditional identification methods, through the innovative use of laser light.

The standard microbe identification method requires samples being taken, followed by a lengthy culturing process to get enough growth so that a trained medical professional can evaluate and identify the microbe or that other tests can be performed. This often requires shipment to an outside laboratory that maintains the needed equipment and personnel. Final results may not be available for days, reducing the ability to take the timely action necessary to curb the infection.

With the MIT 1000, only a small sample of microbes is required, greatly reducing the time required for culturing. The microbes are illuminated using laser light, and the patterns from the reflection of the light is detected and analyzed by the company’s proprietary software. Identification is fast, automated (not requiring the availability of costly trained medical personnel), and highly cost-effective. This means faster results, broader deployment, and, ultimately, the saving of countless lives around the world. It’s truly a revolution in health technology, and one that is finally available to the general market.

In addition to its speed and cost effectiveness, independent testing has shown the technology to be more accurate than traditional methods. North American Science Associates, Inc. is one of the world’s leading independent laboratories specializing in the evaluation of medical devices. In tests comparing the new approach to the conventional “MIDI” method of identification, the results were clear. The conventional approach yielded a correct identification score of no more than 80%, in spite of repeated trials, compared to the laser approach score of 98%. And, of course, the laser approach was far quicker and easier.

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