Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TV Goods Holding Corp. (HNHI.OB) Joins Forces with Allstar Products Group

Located in Clearwater Florida, TV Goods Holding Corp. is the subsidiary of H & H Imports and has earned a stellar reputation as a direct response marketing company that develops and markets consumer products for global distribution. Today, TV Goods announced that have formed a partnership with the Allstar Products Group.

The Allstar Products Group is a renowned direct response and consumer products company. Allstar Products has earned national acclaim for such products as the Snuggie Blanket with Sleeves and the Topsy Turvy Upside Down Planter. In this agreement, Allstar Products will coordinate efforts to promote a complete line of Brightfeet Lighted Slippers which is a signature product of TV Goods.

The BrightFeet Lighted Slippers have been showcased on ABC’s Good Morning America, The View and World News Now, CNN Money, NBC’s The Today Show, Fox News’ Day Side, HGTV’s I Want That!, and The Montel Williams Show. These slippers are unique to the marketplace in that they combine the comfort of slippers with a LED providing a guiding light in the dark.

Leading the way at TV Goods is Steve Rogal who serves as the company’s CEO. Commenting on what the partnership between TV Goods and Allstar products could mean to the future of both companies, Rogal was quoted as saying, “This innovative product has the potential to become a strong retail selling brand. We look forward to our strategic partnership with Allstar Products Group, which can put BrightFeet Lighted Slippers on the fast track into national retail distribution channels.”

Currently, H & H Imports, the parent company of TV Goods, is trading in the $0.19 range. With this breaking news and a strong product-line in place, this company is one that investors may consider watching more closely.

To learn more about the TV Goods Holding Corp., visit the company website at: www.TVGoodsInc.com.

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