Tuesday, November 2, 2010

eDoorways International Corp. (EDWY.PK) Announces Multi-Million Dollar Financing Agreement

Today, eDoorways International Corp. announced that they have signed a financing agreement with O.T. Hill and Associates where O.T. will purchase up to $2 Million of the company’s common stock. “The folks at O.T. Hill know a good investment when they see it, and we are excited to work with them for our ongoing funding needs,” commented Gary Kimmons, President of eDoorways International Corporation. “Since our transition to fully-transparent, we have received positive feedback from investors and shareholders, not to mention a flurry of investment offers,” Kimmons continued.

“We are happy to provide eDoorways with the funding required to expand their operations and we look forward to providing any additional funding the Company may need in the future,” stated the managing director of O.T. Hill and Associates. “We fully support the eDoorways initiative and we stand behind the company during this exciting time of technological advancements,” O.T. Hill added.

In addition to ongoing development efforts, eDoorways is working closely with many educational organizations to enhance global communications and interactions. “We have upgraded our technology to allow real-time interaction among anyone in the world with a computer and an internet connection. The future of internet education and collaboration is among us and we are excited to introduce this new technology to the world,” Kimmons concluded.

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