Wednesday, December 3, 2008

PNI Digital Media Inc. (PNWIF.OB) Offers More than a Digital Ordering Platform, Daily Interactions Up to 33,000 and Climbing

As technology advances and evolves, it is becoming apparent that it is starting to control the user instead of the user controlling it. The often talked about “Crackberry” may be a case in point. Developing a technology where the user can access it to make life more enjoyable and efficient, rather than addictive and ultimately limiting, is a solid way to find profit. Ideas that approach technology from this standpoint are increasingly finding favor and, if they can take hold in an ever changing consumer landscape, becoming incredibly profitable.

PNI Digital Media Inc., a transaction based digital media company, works to provide retailers and other commercial operations digital platforms to capture customer revenue through digital means. The company offers many digital options to its customers but is best known for its digital photo processing and ordering systems.

From a general point of view, the company sells retailers and other commercial operations a digital platform which provides customers with the ability to order digital media at the retail level. The obvious product to make use of this platform is digital ordering of photos, although the platform is increasingly finding favor with the ordering of games, music and catalog items.

Perhaps the largest benefit of the platform is its ability to be customized to the retailer/commercial user’s needs. The customizing aspects of the platform also enables the retailer to offer options to the customer, such as added buying options, ordering for one-hour delivery, mail to home or cropping and photo modification. Mobile offerings can also make use of this customization and should find an increasing amount of sales as mobile usage in the US increases to match overall global use patterns.

One of the more frustrating aspects of digital technology is its morphing into unexpected uses as customers become more familiar with the product. PNIs’ platform appears to be versatile enough to adapt to changes in usage patterns to the point where it may become more of a standard. This would be pure speculation at this point, due to the nature of technological change, but the possibility is real given the unforeseen uses of the platform.

Recent new customers include: Costco USA, Kmart Australia, Loblaw Companies, Hallmark UK, Kodak China and SAM’s Club USA. Yearend financial results are expected December 15, 2008, but with over 33,000 overall transactions per day and rising, all indications point to a company on the rise.

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