Friday, April 15, 2011

Dutch Gold Resources, Inc. (DGRI) is “One to Watch”

Dutch Gold Resources, Inc. is a North America-focused gold developer pursuing undervalued resources with revenue generation potential within the first two years of acquisition. The Company has a solid land position with its Basin Gulch Mine in Granite County, Montana near the historic mining towns of Philipsburg and Anaconda, and the Jungo Mine in Humboldt County, Nevada, about 50 miles outside Winnemucca.

With gold trending steadily upwards and floating around the $1487.50 high and silver even outpacing the rise of gold amid global market conditions that fundamentally reinforce this trend, DGRI is hard at work developing promising domestically available inputs. As of April 13, 2011, the Company cut the common stock in circulation by 50%, up to 750k shares, amid indications of very promising results from operations at Basin Gulch in the next three weeks.

The gold and silver rich Basin Gulch Mine is exempt from recently proposed political changes that would affect the North Fork Flathead Area in Montana and is in an ideal geological area with historically proven development, including the legendary Butte town mines.

A recent announcement by DGRI of Phase I Drilling Program completion was heralded by a sweeping new plan to expand operations in Phase II with a much larger rig, enabling 3.5-inch diameter core drilling and yielding substantially better assay results. Normal assays of roughly 30 grams are insufficient for rapidly analyzing acreage and can miss coarse gold very easily, or, if a coarse piece is in the sample it produces anomalous data. These samples will be coming in at around 8.8lbs each and will afford a ready means of more fully evaluating the gold content at Basin Gulch.

With extensive historical development at Basin Gulch by Rauno Perttu (roughly $3.6M), consisting of some 90k feet of shallow, pattern-mapped reverse circulation drilling (323 holes) and roughly 17k feet of trenching, a clear, multiple-area mineralization profile has become apparent. What you basically have here is a huge placer crust on top of a massive and originally unrecognized deposit that is precisely the sort of target the Company is designed to leverage through implementation of advanced production techniques.

The Company’s Jungo Mine is situated right between the historically producing Sleeper Mine, which yielded some 1.7M ounces of gold, largely from high-grade near-surface mineralization, and Allied Nevada Gold Corporation’s Hycroft Mine, which historically produced 1M ounces and was recently re-explored, resulting in the discovery of another 5M ounces further down.

Extensive trenching at Jungo has returned assay sampling that shows 0.1 opt to 0.67 opt Au values with silver ranging upwards of 0.7 opt in certain trenches.

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