Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sauer Energy, Inc. (SENY) Announces Development of Community Wind Projects for Individual or Small-group Use

Sauer Energy, a developer of home and enterprise scale vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) systems, today detailed its development of community wind projects utilizing its wind turbine products to meet demand for affordable alternative energy, while providing jobs and promoting free enterprise.

The company’s plan is to generate energy from a set of turbines in a low wind area while remaining close to an existing grid. A community wind project is an asset that can be owned by an individual or a small local group, and can contain a few units or a “considerable” number of units depending on the desired amount of energy generated.

Sauer Energy says that both utility companies and private owners can benefit from the community projects: utility companies can purchase the energy generated to meet their quotas or offset usage, while private owners can utilize the energy generated or sell it to the utility company.

“Sauer Energy will be accelerating the early adoption of wind energy with technical approaches to low wind areas. Community Wind Projects come at a critical stage for local municipalities to meet future demand, secure jobs and present the potential for the spirit of free enterprise to prosper. We are working relentlessly to bring this opportunity to market in the near future. Follow our progress on our website,” Dieter Sauer, CEO and president of Sauer Energy stated in the press release.

For more information visit: www.SauerEnergy.com

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