Energtek is on the forefront of helping to solve oil consumption by the global motor vehicle market through the development and commercialization of advanced Adsorbed Natural Gas (ANG) Technologies that allow natural gas to be stored at low pressure or in higher quantities.
The Company has refined the basic technology, which consists of using a porous material inside the storage vessel like activated carbon and has worked out several key technical challenges to making ANG readily implementable and commercially viable.
Every internal combustion engine-based vehicle can burn natural gas; only a simple, inexpensive conversion is required. This makes EGTK’s storage technology the perfect solution to a global market desperately seeking to diversify energy sources, especially in the automobile area where alternative sources have yet to penetrate substantially.
The Company’s proprietary ANG storage technology revolutionizes the underlying logistics of handling and using NG at the consumer level and in multiple other areas. EGTK has even developed the CNG Lite™ system specifically for 2- and 3-wheel vehicles, which incorporates the ANG technology with low-pressure technology to offer a small vehicle solution that could shatter the paradigm in the massive and growing small vehicle international market.
Another development of the technology, the Low-pressure Mobile Pipeline (LMP) concept, is a package for energy consumers who are off the gas grid consisting of low-pressure gas transporting semi trailers, filling terminals and LMP gas reception facilities.
Unconventional NG sources like methane hydrates, the most abundant fossil fuel on earth, represent an almost completely untapped yet superabundant resource. Roughly one third of all methane hydrates on earth lie in provincial US waters. NG is a clean and stable energy input and an incredibly important strategic domestic resource for the US moving forward and EGTK is in a prime position to ride the crest of the surging wave as oil availability becomes increasingly scarce due to skyrocketing global energy demand and limited production/refinement capacity.
Looking at the global market more closely we see that NG is generally more available and generally cheaper around the world than oil, requires no refining to be utilized in a variety of ways as fuel and is by any estimation the cleanest of fossil fuels. The immediate impact on the environmental profile of automobiles in general could be changed drastically by sufficient uptake of this technology by the global marketplace.
Natural gas has a squeaky clean safety record and this technology makes it even safer and easier to work with, reducing risk and therefore systemic costs, meaning that adoption will reduce infrastructural overhead as well.
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