Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cono Italiano, Inc. (CNOZ) Continues Its Pizza Cono Push with RJM

Having the latest “great idea” is one thing; successfully getting the word out is another. That’s why Cono Italiano, the company that owns the North American distribution and production rights for Pizza Cono, a cone shaped pizza for on-the-go eating, decided to partner with RJM Foods, a major distributor of unique Italian foods. RJM is helping Cono get the word out, advising them on how to best position themselves as they move into the highly competitive $4 billion frozen pizza market, in addition to supplying Cono with ingredients for their filled Pizza Cono.

RJM, a Florida based food broker since 1978, has a huge network of distributors and services, but considers itself as more than just a food broker. The company states that its goal, through the promotion of novel Italian foods, is to promote the quality and uniqueness that only Italy can give. RJM considers each of the many Italian food products it works with to carry a one-of-a-kind story, a bit of history that effectively brings Italy to the consumer. It’s not surprising that Cono Italiano would choose them to help with the North American introduction of Pizza Cono.

Cono Italiano has been actively moving to distribute Pizza Cono to the fast food market, takeaway and event locations, and catering, but they’ve also stated their interest in the frozen pizza market, with the goal of distributing to supermarkets, convenience stores, and even wholesale operations like Costco and Sam’s Club. Their frozen offering can consist of the proprietary cone by itself, for filling by the consumer, as well as a variety of pre-filled versions. The company’s production operations are already able to fill up to 1,600 cones per hour, with pizza style fillings such as sausage and meatballs, and even egg and cheese for breakfast cones.

For additional information on Cono Italiano, visit the company’s website at

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