Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simulated Environment Concepts, Inc. (SMEV.PK) Continues to Expand Internationally with Additional Multi-Million Dollar International Production Deal

Simulated Environment Concepts, makers of the high pressurized dry water massage and relaxation station SpaCapsule, announced today that it has contracted with the United Arab Emirates company I. SEPTA Co., LTD., to secure a multi-million dollar deal to manufacture more than 150 SpaCapsules for the Middle Eastern Region.

“This is a significant milestone,” commented Dr. Ilya Spivak, Marketing Director of Simulated Environment Concepts (SE Concepts). “The global Muslim population is approximately 1.82 billion individuals. Considering the strict modesty rules preventing cross-gender massage, this deal opens the door to our SpaCapsules being used by the Islamic community throughout the world, positioning our company for continuous expansion, viability and use.”

When the company signed its December 2009 manufacturing deal with French company Zen & O to produce 250 SpaCapsules, it was evidence of the personal wellness industry thriving in Europe. Although the deal announced this morning is similar, it appeals to yet another and perhaps more significant concept, modesty. As the SpaCapsule’s technology caters to the fully dressed individual, both Muslim men and women can now enjoy healthful massage-therapy sessions, with all of the benefits of cellulite reduction, weight loss, relaxation, etc., without any concerns of indecency.

“We are delighted to partner with a progressive and forward-looking company like SE Concepts,” stated Mr. Hamid Ghods, Director of I. SEPTA, Co., LTD. “We have run an analysis on the use and acceptability of the SpaCapsule concept and we have learned that it should be a viable and well used product in our gyms, health clinics, spas, and hotels. We have already sold the first seven units, eagerly anticipate their arrival and expect to make additional orders in short order.”

Dr. Ella Frenkel, Chairman and CEO of Simulated Environment Concepts, Inc., added, “This manufacture and distribution agreement continues to expand our reach into the Middle East. It is a true compliment to our previous arrangements with Jordan and Egypt and will likely increase acceptance and sales throughout the region.”

According to the press release today, the arrangement calls for production and distribution between the two companies to continue over the next four years with an average of 38 SpaCapsules ordered annually. Those close to the company suggest, like the French distribution deal, there is a possibility the UAE arrangement will be accelerated, potentially fulfilling the current contract closer to two years and significantly increasing SE Concepts’ short-term revenues.

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