Tuesday, January 18, 2011

China Valves Technology, Inc.’s (CVVT) Valves for Nuclear Power Plants Passes Chinese Government Tests

China Valves Technology Inc. develops, manufactures and sells high-quality metal valves for the electricity, petroleum, chemical, utility and nuclear industries, among others. The company has one of the best known brand names in China’s valve industry.

The company today announced that its gate and check valves used in the core island of nuclear power plants successfully passed all tests administered by the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) and the Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC). CIAE is the primary nuclear science and technology research institute in China and NPIC is the leading base in China for nuclear reactor engineering research, design, testing and operation.

China Valves became the only valve manufacturer in China that passed all tests provided by these two institutes on the first attempt. The company is now eligible to supply valves for core islands of nuclear power plants, which are mostly being imported from overseas. China Valves also continues to make progress on producing valves for the conventional island of nuclear power plants.

The nuclear power plant market in China will be a huge opportunity for China Valves. According to the National Development and Reform Commission, China will install at least eight nuclear power generating units each year between 2010 and 2020. Each nuclear power generating unit will require more than 30,000 valves, of which over one-third are used in the core island.

For more information on China Valves Technology, please visit its website at www.cvalve.com

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