Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Muscle Flex, Inc. (MFLI.PK) Announces Launch of New Corporate Website

Muscle Flex Inc. announced this afternoon that it has launched its new corporate website at Muscle Flex is currently in the process of re-designing all of its online sites and properties to reflect a consolidated and focused marketing and image brand.

“We are re-designing all of our media heading into the national release of the Beagle StepFit Pedometer and the BUDDY Tablet Caddy so that it is consistent with its imagery and branding across all of our products, Muscle Flex and my role as the spokesperson,” stated Danny Alex, CEO and Founder of Muscle Flex. “It’s a huge task and we are working round the clock to continue the process. Every Muscle Flex media piece that the consumer has exposure to must exceed their expectations or at the very least, meet them. Investors can expect a lot of new media pieces being released in the very near future as we fine tune the Muscle Flex image and initial brand exposure to the public.”

Additionally, Muscle Flex just released the Muscle Flex Beagle StepFit(TM) 2-minute commercial and one-page landing page at Muscle Flex is releasing the Beagle StepFit(TM) 2-minute direct response commercial simultaneously with the BUDDY Tablet Caddy(TM) later in November 2009 on a North America broadcast.

Muscle Flex has carefully considered the script, content and production quality of each commercial to develop 3 distinct brands; 1) The Muscle Flex corporate brand, 2) The host, Danny Alex, 3) The product. Muscle Flex has given no room to compromise in the quality, energy, entertainment value or delivery of the product message in each Muscle Flex commercial.

Muscle Flex anticipates debuting the BUDDY Tablet Caddy 2-minute commercial shortly as soon as final touches are made on the final edit.

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